-I did a little introduction before this post- this kinda ties in with it-
Here it is two years later, thirty pounds lighter and.....miserable. Yup. In the last 2 years I've done a ridiculous amount of reading and talking and hearing about GP, I feel pretty educated I feel like I understand the digestive tract, I understand what I should and should not be eating and most of all I know my own body better than any doctor. (Which by the way, always, always listen to yourself and what your body is telling you, it's probably right). But, I still (well, lately) feel like absolute shit. As, I sit here and eat a handful of nasty, discussing barbecue potato chips and I freakin' wonder why I feel like shit. But, no, really I don't usually do that, or when I do, I understand why I feel like crap! At least I can understand why when I eat things I know shouldn't. I've had countless tests the last couple years and also countless sleepless nights and painful days. But I'm surviving, I'm learning and hoping to improve the way the feel. Or have more answers? Either way, I've got to figure out the ways to cope. This is the hand I've been delt and this is what I have to deal with.
Along with the GP I've been dignosed with a nice handful of other things which I'm told some are due to the GP and some are not. Like SBBO (small bowel bacterial overgrowth), GERD, and slow motility through the lower porition of my GI tract. The SBBO, is terrible, before that dignosis my belly would swell (or bloat) to he point of looking 6 months pregnent! It was awful. I'm still ridiculously bloated, a good portion of the time, but not as much before taking medication for the SBBO. And when your belly bloats like that, it hurts, a lot and your skin stretches and it itches like crazy! The medication for the SBBO is an antibiotic that I go on and off from. I get a ton of questions and confusion of why an antibiotic, and won't it hurt me and isn't there something else, etc. Something else to take? From my understanding and education, no. In order to kill bacteria you need antibiotics, and our bodies are always producing bacteria, good and bad. In my case the bad bacteria gets where only the good bacteria should be. It almost does a "reverse" in the wrong portion of the GI, causing all these terrible symptoms. So, I have to go on and off this medication to stop all the bad (yes, it kills the good too, unfortunately) bacteria. This medication only works in the intestines and is much different then taking an antibiotic for something else, like a sinus infection. What lots of people don't realize is thousands of people with un-curable disease are on a type of antibiotic. So, tons of people live...like me!? (Whew! Good to know, huh!) :) I guess the GERD is a given with GP and digestive issues as most people with digestive issues have GERD. It's pretty common and lots of people suffer with just that. I can relate. I get awful, awful chest pains, it feels like I'm having a heart attack. Okay, I don't know what that feels like, I don't want to know either, but it hurts and it's in my chest. I also have the feeling the something is stuck in my throat, more often then not, which I guess, (still finding this out) is (or can be) part of GERD, as well. I'm still trying to find a medication the can help with the GERD, I was on one for a while that seemed to help some then my insurance stopped paying for it. I'm on another now, I'm not sure if its working, I'm scared to say either way. ;) The slow motility of the lower part of my digestive tract is shitty too. Or not so shitty. (Pun intended, ha!). I know that's a contribution to the bloating I feel everyday and the ridiculous full feeling, pain and the feeling of being super, super full and then five minutes later so hungry I could pass out. It's such a fun time being me. :) No but really.....I AM thankful I can eat the things I can. It could be worse...it really could.
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