Thursday, February 21, 2013

Who am I?

Mornings seem to be the worst for me.  It used to be my nights were really awful as well. And I think that's because of my over eating at night.  Which I seem to have got a better handle on.  My new way of getting myself to stop eating is to just go to bed.  Which works. (But I'm not sure that's the best solution) You see, a lot of this disease is a mental struggle.  When you eat, your stomach gets full and you stop.  See, I get full really easily - most the time about after one cup of food, maybe one-and-a-half cups.  But my mind seems to tell me to keep eating, because I feel full, I'm really not.  My stomach still has room, but because of GP I'm full. Does that make sense?  I feel hungry all the time.  This disease is seriously like starving yourself.  Starving and being deprived of all the things you were taught to eat. Fresh, crisp veggies and dip, too!? Fresh fruits, the skin and all. Salad. Eat salad. Oh. The things I would do to eat a salad.  I can't have that.  Those things would make me so sick and in pain for days hours.  I crave these things.  Once, I had some just slightly cooked broccoli for lunch. (I love broccoli) I was in so much pain for hours after I hate it.  My belly could not digest it, so it sat in my stomach for hours just causing me pain. (Obviously enough to stick in my head because, almost everything makes me sick) I can't believe It even stayed down.  No more broccoli for lunch for me.  See, before my GP, I lived at the Wings Of Life Salad at Wegmans.  If you don't know what that is, it's like a salad bar, you tell "them" what you want on your salad and they put it on, they add the yummy goodness homemade dressing, toss it up, and it's yours.  I loved that shit.  Loved it. I used to be able to live on it.  I noticed about three years ago they stared to bother my tummy, I took it for the dressing that was bothering me.  I started to be able to only eat half of the salad because of the pain it caused. Three years ago I never ever thought I'd be sitting here with a watering mouth talking about how much I miss salad.  I've always been a healthy eater, if there were cookies or fresh veggies in front of me I'd pick pick the veggies, no questions asked.  That's always been me.  That's always been my choice of food.  I even used to go to a Fast Food Place and get a salad. (Did you know Wendy's makes a really yummy caesar salad?). Those days are gone. Long gone. 
So anyway...mornings, mornings are really hard on me.  But I do find that as along as I get up and move shortly after I open my eyes I do, do better. I do better moving all day then sitting around...usually.  I find when I sit home I think to much into things. As, we all do, right?  It's also hard sometimes because I just can't find the energy to do things, sometimes I have to stay in bed.  I have to remind myself that sometimes I need a re-charge day.  And it's really okay if I have to stay in bed for a day.  I get tired really easily. After I'm up and moving I usually start to feel a little better.  On a work day, I always eat breakfast, it's usually one egg and one piece of toast.  And my tea - of course.  I usually feel okay after that.  Breakfast is usually the only meal, as long as I eat my one egg and one piece of toast at home that I feel okay after.  The rest of the day is usually down hill. Always pain and discomfort after every. Single. Thing. I eat.  I just realized that yesterday....every meal equals pain.  Crazy!
Is this really me? Who am I? What happened? How old am I? The rest of my life? 

***Please, eat a salad for me***


  1. I miss salad too and I'm going through the same thing you are. I can usually eat about a cup of food before the nausea kicks in and then I swear I turn into the exorcist. I start vomiting everywhere. Hang in there though, you're not alone. *hugs*

  2. Thanks so much Emily. It is really nice to hear we are not alone! <3
