Sunday, April 28, 2013


I have some really, really exciting news. 
    I'm pregnant! 
I've waited to tell and talk about this until I had the time and was ready too.  Things seem to have been very busy, as work picks up and I seem to spend a lot of my time eating, thinking about food or sleeping. That's what it feels like, anyhow. 
Finding out I was expecting was pretty shocking, my other half and I knew it was a possibility but I did not think it would happen.  I'll never forget the night finding out, I took a test at home it was just him and I here, (of course).  And the positive sign showed immediately and I ran right to him to show him.  The smile on his face was the biggest I've ever seen.  I've never seen him smile so big.  I, on the other hand was in shock, shaking and had no idea what to think.  From that night out his entire mood has been amazing, he's been so happy, upbeat and can't keep his hands off me. ;) 
It took me a couple days to get used to the fact, but I was very quickly excited.  Having GP and knowing I was expecting was a lot to take in.  I had no idea what was in store for me. 
How have I been feeling? ..To say the least, great! For the most part, the best I've felt in over two years.  I have less pain, I seem to be able to tolerate different foods and eat a little more in a sitting.  The very beginning was rough and I was really sick, throwing up, nauseous. My GP also causing the nausea, so it's always hard to tell if it's "morning sickness" or the GP. I thought I could tell the difference as the morning sickness would make me throw up and seemed to be much more intense.  I'm still nauseous a lot, and I'm so thankful for my Zofran.  I don't think I'd make it through the days without it.  (Zofran is an anti- nausea medication) I do blame some of the nausea on the foods I'm eating as I'm not following my strict GP diet like I used to. As the days go by I'm trying to convince myself that it's time to get back to my diet because I know I'd feel less nauseous. I know I'd feel a little better. 
I have been able to eat some things that I've craved for two years, like SALAD! I've had a couple salads! The first two I had I seemed to do well with, the third, not so well, it made me  really sick. And made me sick into the morning as well.  I was also SO bloated from it.  My bloating has been pretty bad, seems to be a little better the last couple weeks but in the beginning it was terrible. & Apparently the first trimester of pregnancy can make you really bloated.  When I first heard that, I was terrified. But, like I said, it seems to have subsided some. (But! I'm in the second trimester now, also!)   
I had my second OBGYN appointment last week and everything is going really well. I gained SIX pounds! SIX pounds! That made me so happy! I got to hear the heartbeat for the first time and I almost cried like a baby. LOL!  All the staff I've spoke with so far has not seen ANYONE with GP!  I was a little shocked and that made me really nervous at first but things are going well. So I'll play everything by ear.  Also, so far, I like all the women I've seen at OBGYN, which is awesome because I heard tons of mixed reviews on the place! 
 I have my (every 3 month) check up with my GI on the 13th. I'm excited to see him and tell him how, I've been feeling okay, for a change.  He's going to be shocked when I tell him I'm expecting.  The last appointment I had with him I asked him what medications, (the ones that I was/am on) I should stop taking if I were to get pregnant! Hahaha. (So, maybe he won't be shocked) ;) 
I'll update VERY soon! 
~I can't wait to find out what I'm having & can't wait to meet my little miracle!~ 
Oh! And I'm 13 weeks and 6 days as of 4/28/13. ;) 

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